My friend, Victor Acquista, asked me, “Why do you write and why do you want to share stories?”

“I have been writing since I can remember. It started with those cute, little suede journals. You remember the ones with the secret key? I spent the next several decades writing content, programs, stories, poetry, and super awesome Christmas letters – duh. Stories connect us, help us understand different perspectives, educate us and ultimately, they change and save lives. You do not have to be a “writer” to share a story. Parents, divorcees, cancer patients, executives, waiters, students, domestic goddesses, or even cab drivers have stories to tell. My mission is to get these stories shared. Books, blogs, social media, radio, TV, or mountain tops, I will continue my days on this planet helping others connect with others. Let me help you! I got you.”

The Four-Fold Formula for All Things Wellness
~ True stories of the heart, spirit, mind, and body.

(Book 1)

The “formula” for being healthy and happy is similar to following a recipe. There are several moving parts. Many ingredients, several actions, and a final result. You would agree if you are missing even one single ingredient or direction, you simply will not have that prize-winning cupcake, right?!

Book one in the All Things Wellness book series introduces you to the ATW WheelTM (All Things Wellness Wheel).  The ATW WheelTM is a tool used to determine your current health and wellness status in 24 areas of your life. We call these areas the spokes of your wellness wheel. You will learn how the components of this wheel help you to find harmony within your heart, spirit, mind, and body and if neglected, how challenging it is to stay healthy, wealthy, happy, and wise.

In addition to learning about the   ATW WheelTM and The Four-Fold Formula for All Things Wellness, you will read true stories from 30 Contributing Authors about their Heart, Spirit, Mind, and Body. These stories will touch your heart, motivate and inspire you.

James Redfield, the author of Celestine Prophecy, wrote the Foreward.

To see more about all the Contributing Authors, go to the Authors Info tab on the Menu bar. You will see The Four-Fold Formula Contributing Authors in the drop-down. 

Watch Our Story Teasers Below
Watch Our Personal Chats Below
Published June 2023
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Win the Wellness W.A.R. (We Are Responsible)
~ True stories of the heart, spirit, mind, and body.

(Book 2)

Being healthy and happy doesn’t just happen. It takes awareness, education, strategy, consistency, emotional resiliency, and more. It sounds like planning for a battle or a war, doesn’t it? We need to be tactical in our efforts to find peace and healthy solutions that work for us, and those we love. How do you find peace and harmony in work, life, and play? It’s time to win the battles and the war – every time.

Emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, organizational, and financial growth are the framework of any military training unit. How do the troops prepare for duty? They have a unified goal for improvement. Your health, wellness and wellbeing are no different. Based on the concept of the  A.T.W. WheelTM, you learn strategies to Win the Wellness W.A.R. by taking responsibility for your own heart, spirit, mind, and body. The wheel teaches you how to assess your current skill level in 24 areas of your life, and level up by gaining strength, knowledge, and control to improve your quality of life.

Perhaps you struggle with setting and accomplishing your goals; we help you prepare for those battles, take responsibility, and Win the Wellness W.A.R.. Maybe you struggle with emotional resiliency and can’t quite bounce back when you are hit with the unexpected. We will share ways you can assess obstacles before they happen and help you tackle punctures in your tires thus, you will Win the Wellness W.A.R.  You will practice mini challenges building your confidence to find peace and avoid a full-on Wellness W.A.R.

Let’s not surrender. Let’s take responsibility and get prepared for the battles life throws our way.

In addition to learning content to help you Win the Wellness W.A.R., you are blessed with stories from 30 Contributing Authors who have soldiered through their own health and wellness battles. Through their personal stories of despair, tragedy, or unforeseen obstacles, they have experienced personal growth. They share their triumphs with you. You will connect and learn from them, and their stories will motivate you to make changes in your wellness and wellbeing.

You will also read true stories from 30 Contributing Authors about their Heart, Spirit, Mind, and Body.

Watch Our Story Teasers Below
published June 2024
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Wellness G.P.S. -Get Prepared for Success
~ True stories of the heart, spirit, mind, and body.

(Book 3)

Wellness G.P.S. ties up the trilogy. It is the last book of the All Things Wellness series, Wellness G.P.S. (Get Prepared for Success). We will help you set destinations (goals) in your G.P.S. and show you how to align healthy habits as you design a “trip” (a goal). You will learn where, when, and how to get to that destination while maneuvering over speed bumps, shifting to a detour if necessary, and avoiding dead-ends. You will apply your learning styles, love languages, chronotype/bio-rhythms, right and left-brain approaches, review your habit history and more as you reach the “Land of Maintenance” and learn how to stay there. We are so excited to get that book in your hands.

You will also read true stories from 30 Contributing Authors about their Heart, Spirit, Mind, and Body.

Foreword written by Martariesa Logue who epitomizes dedication, conscientiousness, and an unwavering drive, earning acclaim for surpassing expectations. Born with Thrombocytopenia-absent radius (TAR) syndrome, a condition that affects fewer than 5,000 people in the U.S., she was left with the absence of a radial bone in both arms.

All Things Wellness journal and workbook

4 Simple Ways to Take Responsibility for Your Own Health & Wellness

Take charge. Getting and staying healthy is not about doing squats and eating kale. You want to be healthy and happy in all areas of your life—heart, spirit, mind, and body! This unique workbook and journal guides you through every step of the way. Cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all programs fade. Fad diets, strength programs, medications, or new self-care plans do not last. Why? Because they are not designed for YOU.

 It is time to hop on your Wellness Wagon, learn to avoid slow leaks or even blowouts in your Wellness Wheel, and remain on your Wellness Path. How? 1) Learn how to balance 24 areas of your life using the trademarked assessment tool, All Things Wellness Wheel (ATW WheelTM). 2) Use the All Things Wellness Logs to track your activity, sleep, nutrition, and more. 3) Create your own All Things Wellness Improvement Plan. 4) Oh, and a month of positive affirmations journal pages to track your journey.

Tanner Tells T.A.L.E.S.
(Truth. Accountability. Love. Emotion. Support.)
Tanner Tells T.A.L.E.S.  is a series of books written by a mother, that’s me, and a son, that’s Tanner Willms. Through the eyes of a mother, Tanner’s tales are told. Tanner, who is now an adult and a father himself, shares his reflection as he looks back on these tales of himself as a growing boy. The Tanner Tells Tales series are lessons of Truth, Accountability, Love, Emotion, and Support (TALES). Free downloadable coloring pages and word search available.
The Tanner Tells T.A.L.E.S. series are true stories when Tanner was a child, a little boy’s internal and external trials and tribulations. At times he chose to fib when he wanted his own way, he took things that weren’t his, and he was even bullied. Through each of Tanner’s adventures, there is a lesson to be learned.
Each book ends with Mom’s Take and Tanner’s Take. Our adult view looking back at his shenanigans as a little boy. Why might he have done what he did? How has his childhood influenced his adult life? Could it have been prevented by making different choices? What we he do differently if he could go back?

What comes to mind when you hear the word homeless?

It’s their choice to be on the street? They’re just lazy and don’t want to work? They’re all mentally ill, alcoholics, or addicted to drugs? They’re dangerous?

Many homeless people have difficulty finding and keeping jobs without a permanent address or transportation. While some have mental health or substance abuse problems, most do not. Dangerous? Homeless people are more likely to be targets of violence and theft and live in constant fear for their safety.

Homeless people are just like you and me but have fallen on hard times. They deserve compassion and understanding rather than being harshly judged by their circumstances or appearance.

This Book had to be written! “Homeless” stigmatizes and conjures these misunderstandings. “Unsheltered” is more neutral and casts a wider net beyond the unhoused, including those whose primary nighttime residence is unsuitable for human habitation (e.g., a city sidewalk, vehicle, abandoned building, or park).

Before you ignore another homeless person, remember…that could be someone’s father or mother. They have a story – perhaps like the real ones you will discover here. Let’s change the narrative, one human being, one voice from the street at a time.


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Our mission is to help others connect, and become healthier and happier.

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