The Most Wonderful Time of The Year

By: Cyndi Wilkins 


(4 min. read)

Ahhh, the holiday season! The air feels lighter, brighter, and brimming with love, laughter, and appreciation for those we hold dear. Even the random stranger tends to wear a smile. It is the time of the year when we feel most joyous, generous, and charitable, especially towards those less fortunate. And it is a wonderful opportunity to check in with our moral compass as well, taking another step closer to becoming the best version of ourselves!

A word to the wise though, when attending those holiday parties wrought with booze-fueled, emotional dysfunction…‘jingle juice’ can really pack a punch! So, remember to wear your cloak of resiliency when confronted by the drunken uncle or family friend who has been over-served and chooses your ear for airing grievances. Where the hell is the ghost of Christmas past when you need him!  

My favorite activity in preparation for the holidays is to get my decorating groove on! I love my ‘happy lights!’ The enthusiasm for ‘lighting up’ seems to have infected the neighbors this year, too, especially among those with young children. Drawn to my Christmas lights like moths to a flame, the Snoopy mailbox tends to be the favorite among the kiddos. I often remind them not to grab Woodstock by the tail. Poor guy has precious few feathers as it is! My spooky Halloween displays are a hit, too! I already have my version of a front yard crime scene all planned out for next year’s spookfest!

But Christmas time is a special feeling, all wrapped up in the joys of giving. It is not so much the material things as it is the giving of one’s time, energy, and love that is important. Except when you attend those dreaded ‘Yankee Swaps.’ Those suckers can take down a friendship in one full swoop! It is like being on the Island of Misfit Toys. Nobody wants a ‘Charlie in the box.’ Nor do they want a perfumy pouch to stick in their underwear drawer. Do not be that guy!

My gift-wrapping routine involves ‘Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree’ while belting out those holiday tunes into my big, curly hairbrush. The dog hops around with me on occasion, but the cat stands guard by her tree, warning me with a hiss if I get too close. Not because she cares about the tree tumbling over, she would just prefer I not discover she has been using the tree skirt as a litter box. Bad kitty!  

I never tire of hearing Christmas music either, unless it is Mariah Carey telling me, “All I want for Christmas is you.”  All I want is for the radio station to stop playing that damned song before I hurl my Christmas cookies! Sorry, I know that was a little ‘grinchy!’ 

Speaking of cookies, which is another of my holiday favorites, I tend to overindulge! I rarely eat cookies, but I simply cannot resist those sugary treats decorating every holiday table. If I am not careful, my belly will shake like a bowl full of jelly, too, Santa! 

I also love the festive television specials! Right now, I am watching Barry Manilow’s Christmas. I know, I just dated myself, but I do love his voice. It is still so powerful at 80. His face, however, is so tight it almost looks painful. Not that I am against having plastic surgery if it makes you feel better about yourself, but when it reaches that point where you can barely open your mouth, it is time to stop.

Barry still looks and sounds amazing, though, as he bounces across the stage (albeit a little stiffly) to his Grammy Award-winning hit, Copacabana. I love the story behind the music of a showgirl (Lola) who falls in love with the bartender (Tony) at the Copa. Even after Tony’s unfortunate demise and poor Lola going nutso, the music stays upbeat, creating a juxtaposition of the lyrics to the music. Brilliant songwriting, Barry! You earned that facelift!

Soon, we will move on to Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin ‘Eve with Ryan Seacrest. The only performers I recognize in this year’s lineup are Green Day and Ludacris. I am only interested in the countdown to the New Year anyway, so I suggested to my family we resurrect our old ritual of home movies (videos I took of my daughter throughout her first few years of life) before tuning in to watch the ‘ball drop’ in Times Square.  

My daughter always loved watching movies of herself as a baby. We would all snuggle up on the couch dressed in our ‘feet’ pajamas. You know, the one-piece unit with the drop seat in the back? #Conveniencematters…Especially when there’s champagne involved!

Everyone is all in, at least for now. But somehow, I suspect my daughter will slip out with friends instead. No surprises there. What college kid wants to hang out with mom on New Year’s Eve anyway? I can still dream, though. You never know. We always told her that you must believe to receive. And I still believe in Christmas miracles…And Santa Claus;-)

Happy Holidays to you!

Cyndi Wilkins
                                                                     All Things Wellness, LLC

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