Cyber Monday
By: Peggy Willms
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(2 min read)
Yup, another “holiday” to celebrate…CYBER MONDAY. Like Black Friday wasn’t crazy enough. Unless you miss waiting in long lines before the sun rises outside your favorite store or yanking the newest TV or baby toy from complete strangers, you likely do what I do – shop on line.
I thought I would share some of my favorite items for kicks.
COFFEE: Coffee has become a part of my who, what, where, why, when, and how. Coffee is the focal point when I complete many tasks, conduct my videos or lives, radio shows, TikToks, and visit with family and friends. It affects all my senses. Hearing coffee brew, smelling the aroma, tasting its divine flavor, and feeling the ambiance of calmness, joy, and focus in my life. 1) I have a larger KEURIG in kitchen and one in my office, 2) TIM HORTONS, 3) Creamer: I also put Cafe Latte PREMIER PROTEIN shake in my coffees to give me a dose of protein first thing in the morning 4) And here is a peek of my favorite YETI mug.
SNACKS: 1) Eggs. I have used the DASH egg cooker for over five years. Poke a hole in the egg, turn it on and in 15 minutes they are perfect. 2) SALAD container. I eat a ton of salad and the To Go containers are never big enough or organized.
SELF-CARE: 1) I use my heated EYE MASSAGER regularly-whoa, 2) SILK EYE MASK (I have several of this exact one) changed my life a decade ago, 3) Skin Exfoliator love it, 4) TOOTH WHITENING Pen, 5) JADE ROLLER – I have migraines, allergies and inflammation. I use this to drain my lymphatic system head and neck. LOVE LOVE LOVE. 6) SHOWER STEAMERS. No words needed here except – Inhale. Exhale.
ENTERTAINMENT: 1) BOOK Get your own copy of my first book, The Four-Fold Formula (book two and three forthcoming) – Kindle version available as well (Great Gift) 2) Brand new KINDLE out.
Share with me some of your favorite gadgets.
Peggy Willms
All Things Wellness, LLC
The information provided is the opinion of the author. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice: diagnosis or treatment. The author, the business, All Things Wellness, LLC, and its owner Peggy Willms, are not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information in this article or website. We assume no responsibility for tangible and intangible damages such as physical harm caused by using a product, loss of profits or loss of data, and defamatory comments. This post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases.