It’s Not Going to Fit

By: Peggy Willms


(4 min. read)

Have you seen the new Allstate insurance commercial? It features a lady trying to shove a colossal turkey into her oven and other examples. The message, “It’s not going to fit.” The insurance company claims to know what you need and don’t; “You’re in good hands.”

But you know me, anything and everything can inspire my fingers to dance on the keyboard, and my interpretation spins off into several tangents. I sat staring at the TV after I watched this commercial and pinged to pantries with food shoved onto the shelves and visions of people sitting on suitcases to zip them up. Geez, what a stretch, Peggy.

Over the years as a mindset and transformation coach, I have been accused of riding unicorns, sliding down rainbows, and knowing people are stronger, braver, and smarter than they believe. This isn’t to say I am so optimistic that reality doesn’t exist in my world. It does. But I see the cup as overflowing with no option to settle for less. Some obstacles jump into my path, as with all of you, spinning me on my top for a bit, but my experiences have given me strong emotional resilience that I draw upon daily. I can pivot with ease. And I mean with ease! Whether it is a hiccup in my personal life or that of my family, friends, or clients, I always see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I will go out bloody-knuckled, trying to make the world a better place.

Why can I pivot and balance so many plates? Because I work diligently to remain positive, organized, and live simply. The result: my cup overfloweth!

Many studies show external chaos causes internal chaos and vice versa. And with the way of the world today, chaos is one thing we need less of.

Things pile up unintentionally in our physical space and our mind. You remember the excitement of filling your new apartment or house with prized possessions, new furniture, and bright kitchenware. Creating your own space causes a swarm of butterflies to spin in your tummy. We feel comfort and safety when surrounded by the things we love. The key is, when does it become too much?

For many, it only takes a few months to realize your once spacious environment has become chock full of items you likely don’t need or really want: a second set of plates, ten throw pillows, pictures of Mt. Everest, and another of a fisherman catching Maine lobsters. The overabundance starts to close in on you. And before you know it, the dishes are piling up in the sink, clothes are left unfolded in the dryer, and you haven’t opened the mail for two weeks.

Dust doesn’t just form on belongings; it clogs up your brain. Disorganization wastes time, causes intense negative emotions, and even injury and illness. When we cannot find what we need, we hurry and are less apt to pay attention when driving, dressing, or cleaning. When we feel chaos, we respond angrily, sleep less, move faster, and even tend to eat unhealthy foods.

Enough is enough. It is time to simplify. Simplification decreases procrastination, spawns efficiency, increases confidence, offers a sense of control, and improves overall health. Today may be the day you donate a Barbie playhouse or an Erector set, toss old towels, or shred a few documents. I believe in you. Let’s go!   

The task of calming the chaos can feel overwhelming, but baby steps matter. Take a peek around your home, inside your car, and at your office. These five words will lead the way: need, want, donate, toss, or pack away. Start with two questions, “Do I need this?” or “Do I want this?” Once you have the answer, it is time to take action. You have three choices: donating, tossing, or packing them.

You can take simple steps to simplify:

–Closets: use what I call CCSS (colors, condition, style, and size). Why do you have five yellow shirts if you don’t like yellow? Why are those jeans still hanging if you don’t want to be a size 20 again? If you want to keep that granny square sweater and your thirty-year-old gaucho boots, pack them away and out of sight!

–Pantry: start by tossing expired items and consider donating or tossing items you don’t like. If you aren’t a corn chip or Ritz cracker girl, why are they on the shelves? One of my clients tossed so many items that he filled three large green yard bags. One of his protein powder cans was 12 years old.

–Kitchen and laundry: Don’t leave dishes in the sink overnight. Period. Don’t start your laundry if you cannot finish the task from beginning to end in one day, then you waited too long and let too much build up.

–Toys, games, and gadgets. Donate, toss, or pack items away if you don’t use them regularly. In some cases, you might want to keep your childhood toys or those of your kids, but if they have not used them in years, organize them and put them out of sight.

After clearing out a few items, you should start to feel the weight lift off your chest, a sense of accomplishment rise, and your mind slows its spin.

If things, people, or thoughts do not “fit” into your life or belief system, keep your boundaries and don’t let them in. You are in charge of your chaos.

If it doesn’t “fit,” you must acquit. Where have we heard that before?


Peggy Willms
                                                                     All Things Wellness, LLC

The information provided is the opinion of the author. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice: diagnosis or treatment. The author, the business, All Things Wellness, LLC, and its owner Peggy Willms, are not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information in this article or website. We assume no responsibility for tangible and intangible damages such as physical harm caused by using a product, loss of profits or loss of data, and defamatory comments. This post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases.