Today and Everyday

By: Peggy Willms


(1 min read)

Another holiday has arrived once again.

Today’s about being grateful for family and friends.


Some travel from miles around.

Soldiers and children have flown into town.


Let’s show love and gratitude more.

Not just when a turkey or Santa is at the door.


Laughter and hugs rank as my favorite.

Memories over the decades are such a big hit.


Turkey, stuffing, and pies galore.

Cider and wine will be poured.


Homemade desserts nothing fake or bogus.

Carb overload is the result of my focus.


Full bellies are followed by a lot of football.

Indeed there will be a dozen telephone calls.


Walking off the calories is often recommended.

Unbuttoning tight pants is fully intended.


Being grateful the whole year through.

Shouldn’t be that difficult for all of us to do.


Permission isn’t needed to show that you care.

Neither is being silly and letting down your hair.


It doesn’t have to be complicated to show your love.

Text a few words or send a prayer above.


We can do this – wouldn’t you agree?

It would change the world – we would quickly see.


I am grateful for all the good and even the bad.

This includes feeling bliss and times I am sad.


Let’s not wait for another 365 days.

To say how we feel about each other in all of the ways.


Show love to others you don’t want to lose.

Gratitude is something we should mindfully choose.

Peggy Willms
                                                                     All Things Wellness, LLC

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