Women’s Hair
By: Christine Hersom
(3 min. read)
Women have coveted other women’s hair since the beginning of time. I know I have. I have had long hair, short hair, curly hair, and straight hair. I have always wondered how women get such luscious long hair with soft curls. I used to be so jealous. I mean, how could fate not give us all that beautiful hair? In my earlier days, I didn’t know that all women have beautiful hair. We all need to be different. It’s what keeps the world interesting.
I asked Google for different hairstyle ideas. Google knows everything, right? Many sites suggested “age-appropriate” styles and also projected what would be “popular” this season. I don’t know about you, but I never seem to fall into the popular category. Surprisingly, however, I finally achieved the correct hairstyle for my age. Woohoo! Though I am unsure who has the authority to determine how women wear their hair. Might I step out on a limb and say it may not be women at all? Hmmm.
I have short hair now, and I have accepted that regardless of its length or style, my hair is beautiful. It requires minimal effort at 4 AM. That alone makes it my friend. I have had this style for a few years. Every morning, I get up, wet or wash my hair, blow it dry, and then use some hair paste to style it.
Yet, we all have those days when our hair looks like we are auditioning for a role in the latest horror movie. It won’t cooperate and sticks out on all sides, going in every direction. I used to get so frustrated and wet my hair repeatedly, trying to style it on those “horror movie” mornings. Ultimately, I determined my hair is perfect however it chooses to show up in the world. There are days when my body or attitude can’t seem to get right, so why not accept both good and bad hair days?
It may be easier for me than for some women because I have reached an age where I do not care about someone else’s opinion, whether it is about my hair or the way I dress. But I didn’t feel this way in my thirties. My opinion now is, “you do you, and I’ll do me.”
But I have to admit, I still find myself observing other women when I am out and about. I wonder what kind of day they are having. Is she wearing a hat because she is having a “bad hair” day, or is the hat just her style? Did the woman with the spikes choose her hairstyle on purpose, or did she have a rough morning? Analyzing women is likely driven by a society where we are expected to show up in the world prepared and polished. Yet men can walk around with hair growing out of their ears, be bald, wear a comb-over or a ponytail; all of those options are considered “acceptable and normal.” So frustrating that it seems like men are not criticized for being less than 100% put together.
A few months ago, I shared in one of my blogs, Are You Aging Gracefully (https://allthingswellness.com/mind/aging-with-grace/), that women shouldn’t work so hard fighting against the natural aging process. Why add extra stress to our already complicated lives? Let’s embrace our bodies and our hair in all its glory. Do what suits you rather than judging yourself or others from standards set by other people.
By now, you are wondering if I am obsessed with this subject or if I have a screw loose. I don’t. I simply find it fascinating that women work so hard to strive for physical perfection.
Our hair doesn’t define us as individuals. We are beautiful even if our hair is out of control on some days. Did you throw a baseball cap on today because you wanted to or because you felt your hair wasn’t perfect for everybody else?
Embrace your crazy hair days; life is too short, and you are too beautiful not to. Have fun—be free!
Christine Marshall Hersom
All Things Wellness, LLC
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